There are 10 different WISE Chapters across the country, with the University of Arkansas being the founding school. The purpose of WISE at MSU is to create a community for women in supply chain to connect, collaborate, share, learn, grow professionally, and create incredible connections! Having a WISE chapter at MSU gives members a nationwide opportunity to meet other members of the other 10 WISE chapters across the country. SCMA is extremely proud to be adding a WISE chapter to our campus.
The Four Strategic Areas of Focus of WISE are:
1. Forging Strong Connections
2. Professional Development
3. Enhancing Leadership and Functional Skills across SCM
4. Industry Knowledge
We hope our chapter will be able to instill these fundamental ideologies into each and every individual who attends our meetings!
We plan to hold meetings once a month, that will be open to anyone; even non-SCMA members!
Please keep an eye out for these events through our social media and website.